A co-authored string solver Z3-Noodler won the QF_Strings division (single query track) of SMT-COMP’24 under all scoring schemes, as well as the categories for the logics QF_S and QF_SLIA
A co-authored linear integer arithmetic (LIA) solver Amaya won the NIA logic (single query) category of SMT-COMP’24 under the 24s performance scoring scheme (and was the second under the sequential performance, parallel performance, and UNSAT performance scoring schemes, and the third under the SAT performance scoring scheme)
Prize of Antonín Svoboda for the best PhD thesis in Computer Science (Czech Republic, 2016)
A co-authored separation logic solver SPEN won the division qf_shlid_ent of international Competition of Solvers for Separation Logic (SL-COMP) 2014 and was the second in divisions qf_shls_entl and qf_shls_sat in both SL-COMP 2014 and SL-COMP 2018.
First place at MSc Thesis of the Year competition (Czech Republic, 2010)
Dean’s prize for MSc thesis (FIT BUT, 2010)
Prize of Zdena Rábová (a prize for exceptional students at FIT BUT, 2009)
Two first place awards at a local student research competition (EEICT 2008, EEICT 2010)
GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders scholarship (Czech Republic, 2007)